Community Badges

Contributions from our member and guest communities are crucial to GovUNLEASHED's success. In addition to helping make this platform an indispensable resource for those seeking information on their state and local governments, you can also earn badges from GovUNLEASHED that unlock discounts, free services, and VIP access to special events.

Activity Badges

TravelerComplete SMRC reviews on your state, county, and city governmentsOne-month complimentary Follower membership
IlluminatorComplete state, county, and city SMRC reviews (minimum of six) for your current and previous residencesOne-month complimentary Groupie membership
ResponderComplete our site visitor survey.One-month complimentary Follower membership or $55 credit towards existing membership level
HelperIdentify a previously unknown issue/bug on our websiteOne-month complimentary Follower membership